Tuesday, 15 February 2011

By Demons Be Driven

I didnt realise it had been so long since my last post. Been mad crazy at the shop. U guys have really been challenging me with all kinds of crazy new pieces.

The studio got a good response at the Brighton Convention. As usual i was super nervous but once i started working i didnt have time to think.

I did these two pieces, carried on with a piece and started this new one, which i cant wait to carry on with....

....also got to tattoo this pretty lady :)

I finally finished this painting, which was accepted into the gallery there. i was super stoked about it, but too busy to check it out.

Here are some other pieces i have been doing in the past few weeks.....

and some pieces i have been carrying on with. Im loving doing this backpiece, and Kris sits like a rock when wer working on it. thanks dude....

Me and my boy just got back from the Milan Tattoo Convention. It was a blast! got my leg finished by tim kern and some lettering in the crease of my elbow by Maneko.....

....it was incredibly busy at the convention so we ended up drinking too much tuborg and weird rum, and watching way too much ' big bang theory' :) :) :)

Really like the way Uncle A finished his posts with a music video each time, so iv stolen his idea!! Enjoy.......